For the whole family

‘Me and Mi House' is a wholesome family-friendly channel about a Jamaican family of seven. Dad: Paul and mom: Tina, are a Christian couple who parent five girls. Teen daughter: Hannah, twin toddlers: Leila and Zahra, and our second set of twins: Eden and Eva - the babies of the family. We love to sing, share stories, do fun activities and spend time together.

Doing Good In The Neighbourhood

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus"
~ Philippians 2:3-5

Join Our Community

Thanks for stopping by. Whether you're interested in partnering with us, just visiting, or moving in, we're really happy to have you passing through our neck of the woods. We're a family of wholesome likeminded people who bond together to provide encouragement, education and entertainment for the whole family.

As a Christian community, on a mission to inspire and uplift through clean content creation and a healthy sharing of real talk on real life, our hope is that you will enjoy your time spent with us. Welcome to the neighbourhood.

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From the neighbourhood


Ministry of Labour & Social Security

Joining forces to empower the deaf and hearing impaired.


Keeping the neighbourhood looking good with all the tools and help you need.


Sub sandwiches made fresh just the way you like it for a healthier better you.